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This week in Year 2…

Year 2 have had an immersive week beginning to find out about London in 1666 and The Great Fire of London – a topic that continues to engulf the children’s imagination, thoughts, and enthusiasm. It began with the children finding a letter from the Queen.

The children used their inference skills to find out where the topic is taking us during our first English lesson by looking at a collection of pictures and artefacts from the Great Fire. Questions asked included-

  • When was the Great fire of London?
  • Why was it great?
  • When was it compared to other key events?
  • Do you know any other great fires?

The children discussed how the fire in Pudding Lane started and the factors that enhanced the fire, for example, that it had been a long, hot dry summer with strong winds.  We looked at how busy the streets were back then and what it may have looked and felt like during that time. We freeze framed the ‘busy streets’ and talked about the sounds they may have heard.

In the Forest, a fire was lit and the children discussed what a fire looks like; what words would they use to describe fire?  These adjectives are to be the basis for the fire Kennings poems. We also used this opportunity to discuss what materials would burn easily.

All of Year 2 were lucky to be invited to a Trampoline workshop in Mill Hill sports centre. We learnt new skills, jumps, turns and had lots of fun. Thank you.