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This week in Nursey…

What an amazing week in Nursery.

We started by having a bus role play area and the children loved pretending to be the bus driver and the passengers. The children travelled to lots of wonderful destinations such as the beach, the shops and unicorn land. J

Then on Wednesday, the classroom was transformed into a wonderful Christmas grotto. The children decorated the Christmas tree, wrote letters to Santa and created their Christmas wish lists.

The children enjoyed playing board games at school and it was a great way for the children to develop the skills to take turns and understand that it’s ok not to win. They all congratulated the winner of the game.

On Wednesday we also went on a walk to find leaves for some leaf crowns. On our way back we were told by Mrs Webb that a very special person dropped off a letter addressed to Nursery. We opened the letter and inside was a reply from the Queen. She thanked us for looking after the crown and pillow and she sent us on a hunt for her friend who is going to stay with us until Christmas day. The children loved finding Stickman and each day he has been doing something different when they arrive at Nursery.

On Thursday morning and Friday afternoon the children had a wonderful STEAM workshop run by a lovely man called Jeremy. He taught the children all about levers and they then made their very own moving King or Queen. We were really impressed with the children’s creativity as they added different parts to their person.