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This week in Year 2…

This week in Year 2, we discovered a letter from our friend Cinnamon and the children used their inference skills to work out what the book may be about and who the Lord of the Forest could be! We discussed how we can use clues and pictures for skills of prediction.

In Literacy, we revisited what adjectives are and used this knowledge to rewrite the opening of the story – “Tiger was born fluffy and small, with his eyes tight shut“. What synonyms can the children think of for fluffy?

We have begun writing our Jungle poem whilst listening to the description of the jungle movements, noises and discuss what sounds could we hear in a jungle? For example, ‘I can hear the slither of snakes; I can hear the sleepy silence etc. This was a learning opportunity to talk about alliteration and how it makes the description sound more exciting.

The children really enjoyed finishing off their Tiger food chains and looked at some other food chains in the jungle that children had made for Take a Closer Look. Can they describe to you the flow of energy and use scientific words like, producer, consumer?