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Head’s blog

The launch of our Kindness Tree

Kindness is one of our greatest values at Grimsdell. It is wonderful to be motivated, hardworking and capable but the way we treat other people is at the heart of our ethos and we believe kindness really does make the world go round. So it is both fitting and exciting that our first house event has finally been launched in the form of a Kindness Tree!

Oak House are responsible for this venture and over the course of the week the Kindness Tree has grown and spread across our entrance hall. At the moment the branches are bare but will soon be adorned with heart shaped cards featuring sentences, words, drawings or photos from every child in the school – celebrating the acts of kindness that they have been responsible for, either at home or at school.

For every act of kindness there is a smiley (our version of a house point) awarded and the children are already excited about working as a team to focus on kindness.

It is lovely to have an event like this to give status and momentum to such an important human quality, but actually I see little acts of kindness all the time from everyone at Grimsdell; from children and adults alike.

Yesterday a little boy in Reception walked down the stairs and naturally stood to the side to let someone else past. I also saw children in Year 2 offering each other help and sharing resources on a project, and then a little girl in nursery giving her friend a leaf because she was on her own.

In a fast paced world where competition and success seem to drive everyone, I believe we all need to sit back sometimes and simply remember to be kind, decent people.