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Mill Hill International - Our school

Head’s Blog

During Monday Assembly this week, our Sports Ambassadors gave a compelling presentation to all the pupils and staff at The Mount, Mill Hill International explaining the need for sport and general physical activity. One of the Ambassadors had researched into why, particularly at times of stress in the school life such as just before exams, […]

The Half Term break gave me the opportunity to spend more time on one of my favourite activities: reading. I am currently half-way through the four-volume work by Elena Ferrante and have been transported into the world of two girls growing up in a poor suburb of Naples. I have decided to read it in […]

Many Schools have adopted the ‘Growth Mindset’ philosophy of learning where the shift of focus in education is on effort rather than achievement. But it is hard to help our pupils remember this when they receive their first report card, as they scan down to see how many A grades they have gained, or not. […]

In our Friday tutorials this morning, pupils at The Mount, Mill Hill International celebrated ‘Time to Talk’ – an initiative we launched last year during Mental Health Awareness Week. Tutor groups joined up; pupils were given hot chocolate and croissants and were given time to talk. It might seem strange that we have allocated time […]