Head’s blog
I hope you have all had a pleasant week. We’ve had a busy week with two parents’ evenings, Anti-Bullying Week, Maths Week and we’ve also had three days’ worth of 7+ assessments. Next week our 11+ assessments start with more numbers sitting than ever before. If any of our Year 6 families are considering other 11+ options then please make an appointment via Mrs. Ellen to speak to either me or Mrs. Lumsden.
The Belmont rugby festival was a great success last Saturday so thank you to all the teachers for their time in helping with the organisation, coaching, and refereeing. Thanks in particular to Mr. Bird for overseeing the event. It has also been a successful week for the rugby teams with a particularly impressive performance by the U12 A team who fought bravely to beat a strong Caldicott team by 3 tries to 2. Following the success of last week’s Mill Hill Fireworks and the Belmont Rugby Festival, there is an opportunity to experience both again this Saturday. Old Millhillians Rugby Club are hosting a family day at Headstone Lane tomorrow. Please see the flyer below for further information.
£1 Million Target Reached
On the subject of sport, more progress is being made on our new Sports Hall and we are hoping for the handover of the keys before Christmas. I can’t wait for the children to be able to get in there next term. It is going to make such a difference to the school. This week we reached our fundraising target of £1 million. I just want to say a huge thank you to all the families who have supported the cause, whether making a generous donation, buying a brick, attending the ball, supporting the Friends of Belmont events or cycling to Paris. On behalf of the whole Belmont community – thank you! I would also like to congratulate Nick Priestnall who led the campaign. Nick has officially left the Foundation now but will be involved in a handful of Sports Hall related events. I hope he feels proud of his achievements and leaves the Foundation knowing that he has helped to make such a positive contribution to improving the pupils’ education. Should any families still want to be involved in the pathway to fitness, the final order for bricks will be next week. CLICK HERE to purchase a brick.
Remembrance Service
On Monday we had our Remembrance Service which was led by Reverend Jo James from St Paul’s Church. It was a moving service and the children were magnificent, showing their respect for the fallen including all the Old Belmontians and Old Millhillians who lost their lives in the two world wars and other conflicts. The Last Post played by Alex Whelan on the trumpet was poignant and haunting.
Odd Socks and Maths Week
On Tuesday we all wore odd socks as part of Anti-Bullying Week, helping us to remember that we should all celebrate our differences. Mr. Symes delivered two exceptional and powerful chapel services about how fragile our confidence can be sometimes and that we all have a responsibility to support and build up one another’s confidence, not to chip away at it.
It was also Maths Week so thank you to Mr. McGuinness and the Maths department for all of their extra work to excite the children about all things mathematical. We had inter-house Maths competitions, scavenger hunts and trying to work out how tall the Chapel is.
Head for the Day
I will be having a bit of a rest next Monday as I look forward to Zachary, 4LG taking over as Head for the day. He won the prize in the ‘Ball for a Wall’ auction and he looks forward to writing to you all next week.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Leon Roberts