Head’s blog
Assembly: Friendship
This week’s theme has been about Friendship and in assembly we spoke to the pupils about what makes a good friend. The children had some great suggestions including being loyal, kind, non-judgmental, forgiving and honest. They said that good friends don’t leave you out and they will still be your friend even when you are not at your best. Chatting about the topic with my own children at the weekend, one of the twins said ‘A good friend is someone who lets you play with other people – not just them!’ We try and encourage the children to have a broad circle of friends as we believe that this supports positive and health relationships. We also told the children that many of the friendships they form now may well be lifelong friendships. Reverend Warden and Mr Symes both reinforced the importance of friendship in their Chapels later in the week.
Inside Out Day
Pupils were asked to wear their playing shirts inside out on the 3rd Feb this week in recognition of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The aim of Inside Out Day was to remind everyone to always be kind and think of others as nobody knows how another person may be feeling on the inside. All pupils in Year 7 and 8 took part in the initiative by wearing their shirts inside out during their Inter School fixtures and Super League fixtures.
Super League round up
Monday and Tuesday saw the first set of Super League matches played by our senior pupils with lots of parents coming to cheer the children on: there was a very special atmosphere. All pupils were involved in competitive sport that afternoon, with each team showing not only their brand new kit but also our Belmont values in their immaculate conduct and attitude throughout the fixtures. All results can be found on SOCS as well as in the Bulletin.
Congratulations to The Hatters in the boys’ Football competition who won their first round of matches. In the Year 8 Girls’ Netball competition the Wasps have taken an early lead, with the Storm in Year 7 being the team to beat in the next round. In the Year 6 competition the Mavericks are looking strong, winning all of their first round games. The Super League is certainly shaping up to be closely fought and highly competitive for all pupils.
Head’s Commends
Enjoy the lovely weather predicted tomorrow and maybe consider a duvet day on Sunday!
With best wishes,
Leon Roberts