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The following quotes are taken from the recent Independent Schools Inspectorate report on Belmont. The inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of pupils’ work. They held discussions with senior members of staff and with governors, observed a sample of extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period, and attended registration sessions and assemblies. Inspectors visited the facilities for sick or injured pupils. The responses of parents and pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed, and the inspectors examined regulatory documentation made available by the school. Belmont School is very proud of the results.

Quotes from the report:

“Teaching is excellent.”

“Excellent teaching contributes to the pupils’ high standard of achievement and good progress.”

“Pupils’ attainment is excellent.”

“All pupils are highly successful in their learning and personal development.”

“Pupils are extremely well educated and highly successful in their learning across all subjects and activities.”

“The most able pupils enjoy and make progress from the challenges that are planned for them and opportunities for extension work abound across the curriculum.”

“Pupils thrive in an atmosphere of hard work, enjoyment and effort.”

“The curriculum is broad, balanced and forward thinking…”

“…excellent opportunities for developing the pupils’ intellectual curiosity.”

“Extra-curricular provision is excellent. It fulfils the school’s aim to include and value each pupil, promote passion and interest, find individual strength and provide a broad experience.”

“Teaching is consistent with the school’s aim to develop academic excellence.”

“…a well-disciplined atmosphere encourages effective learning.”

“The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils is excellent.”

“The school’s Christian foundation enshrines values of tolerance, care for others, forgiveness and empathy in the multi-faith community of the school.”

“Individuality is respected and nurtured alongside opportunities to grow and flourish.”

“Staff know pupils well and relationships are extremely positive.”

“The quality of links with parents, carers and guardians is excellent.”

“The close-knit community and the warm and caring atmosphere in the school result in pupils who are well mannered and unfailingly polite.”

Click here to read and download the full report.