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Easter News

What a busy and productive term this has been. As well as having record numbers of pupils attend for the annual 11+ exams the Belmont Centenary celebrations continued with the Centenary Service taking place at Central Hall Westminster and after 2 years of planning the Centenary Book was published and is available for purchase from the school office. Among other highlights this term have been a Dance Competition for parents to take part in, the highly successful Y8 production of ‘Pygmalion’, Reading week, French Exchange, various concerts, Maths challenge, National Science and Engineering week, DT Workshop and we are delighted to announce that the Green Flag Award was reaffirmed this term. Well done to all the children’s obvious enthusiasm and knowledge that went in to gaining this award. Finally, on the last day of term was the ‘Ground Breaking Ceremony’. Dr Chapman (the Acting Chair of Court of Governors) made the first cut in the ground by way of preparation for the new building which will replace the huts. The children from the huts moved into temporary accommodation and the move went very smoothly.