On a glorious sunny May afternoon, HRH The Countess of Wessex opened the latest and most ambitious phase to date in Mill Hill’s Development Plan. Commissioned by the Court of Governors to celebrate the Bicentenary of Mill Hill School, the Favell Building provides spectacular modern classrooms, seminar rooms, department offices and extensive bright display areas.
The opening ceremony was the culmination of many years of planning. The Foundation Stone for the Favell Building was laid on Foundation Day 2005 by the Chairman of the Court of Governors, Sir Robert Balchin – 180 years after Samuel Favell, Co-Founder of the School, laid the Foundation Stone of the 1820s school building.
The light and airy building, designed by educational specialist architects Barnsley, Hewett & Mallinson, houses the History, Geography, Government and Politics, Business Studies and Economics, R.E and Modern Languages departments. Designed for flexibility of use, the Favell Building also includes a dedicated gallery area for both visiting exhibitions and Art Department displays, and is home to the School History Boards which offer a fascinating snapshot of historically important events inside and outside of Mill Hill over the past centuries. The History Boards were designed by London graphic design consultants Lawrence & Beavan who also created the special commemorative mosaic image of our famous portico, made up of more than 1000 separate images of Mill Hill and Millhillians past and present.
The Favell Building opening ceremony was attended by 2000 people, including 100 Old Millhillians who were at the School at the time of Her Majesty The Queen’s visit in 1957.