Friday Feb 8th saw Burton Bank mark the start of the Year of the Rat with their fifth annual Chinese New Year celebration. As usual the food was provided by a local take-away service, and the meal was followed by entertainment and a family walk around the school site. This year we were told what our fortunes for the year would be by Ka Ho Li, Fanfan Tian and Tommy Lam.
Jo Qiao made the trip back from Durham University to join the Chinese girls Anita Zhu, Amanda Xu, Lyn Lin, Fanfan and Haun Ye in a rendition of a Chinese ballad, and a group comprising pupils from China, Korea, Russia, Turkey, Germany and the UK sang one of the anthems lined up for the Beijing Olympics called “Forever Friends”.
We were pleased to have been revisited by other former pupils Albert Yip, Tiffany Luk, Lika Takei, Onyedikachi Oji, Jiawen Yu and Sonny Lu. Our adult guests were the Chaplain, Mrs. Pulham and Ms. Banks. Once again it was a very successful evening, and again sets the standard for our Russian and former Eastern Block pupils to maintain in next term’s Russian Evening. A particular treat of the evening was the dress worn by Fanfan which she had designed and made herself, and it is no surprise to find that she has been offered a place at the London College of Fashion.
Andy Luke