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Burton Bank’s Chinese New Year Celebrations

Last Friday we celebrated our sixth consecutive Chinese New Year in BB, and once again it was an outstanding evening. Lance Yang compèred the evening, and made clear that the Lunar New Year was in fact celebrated throughout Asia, and in particular in Korea too, whence he hails. His presentation on Korea – North and South – and that of Ivan Lam on Hong Kong were well-received and informative, as well as entertaining. All of our Chinese students sang the anthem of the Beijing Olympics, each taking solos and all producing a lovely sound. Huan Ye then gave us our Chinese horoscopes for the year according to our birth sign. This year is the year of the Ox, and anyone born 12, 24, 36, etc. years ago is celebrating this year. Ryan Zhu showed off his painting skills, and invited others to have a go, which some duly did.

Chinese New Year Celebrations

We were re-visited by a record number of pupils, including Tommy Lam, Lika Takei, Fanfan Tian, Anita Zhu, Lyn Lin, Amanda Xu, Tiffany Luk, Gary Xiong, Ding Chen, Joe Toft and Jamie Lee Jarrett – a typically eclectic mix for Burton Bank – and our guests were Mr. Priestnall, Mrs. Sanchez and Ms. Banks. Timmy Tan also returned, and sang us two songs to his guitar, reminding us of past times. The evening ended with the traditional family walk around the School grounds, and a thoroughly good night was had by all.