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Panto Benefits Ethiopian Drama Group

Holly O’Connell as Aladdin

A sparkling performance of Aladdin written by Head of Drama, David Proudlock, and performed by over 20 members of staff, raised more than £2,000 for an Ethiopian drama group. AGAPE, which is based in Addis Ababa, tours the country using drama to inform and educate people about subjects such as HIV and AIDS.

The Patrick Troughton Theatre was full to capacity for three nights running, and the audience clearly enjoyed every minute. Peter McDonough, Deputy Head, shone as Widow Twanky, gaining instant rapport with the audience. Jamie Monaghan as Abanazer was suitably evil as well as being very funny, whilst Aladdin, played by Holly O’Connell, acted and sang with great gusto and pzazz. Harry Barnes was outstanding as Rover the Dog, attacking everyone in sight including unsuspecting members of the audience! Thanks went to teachers Andrew Ross and Berinda Banks who provided the stunning scenery, beautifully lit by our AV ace, Johnny Groman.

AIDS sufferers in Ethiopia

A great time was certainly had by all. Oh yes, it was!