The week commencing 16th November is National Anti-Bullying Week. During the preceding week, members of Cedars House have presented assemblies in Chapel on themes that support the anti-bullying message and at Mill Hill we will be having a “Blue Day” on Friday 20th November during which pupils can pay a minimum of £2 to wear blue items of clothing (blue is the colour of anti-bullying initiatives). All money collected will be sent to appropriate charities. All other anti-bullying activities have been put back a few weeks until Mill Hill’s own Anti-Bullying Week which this academic year will take place during week commencing 11th January. Amongst other things, members of the Anti-Bullying and Mentors’ Council will deliver assemblies that week in Chapel on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, blue cakes will be made and sold in aid of charity and all Houses will be invited to prepare displays as part of an inter-House competition.