The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Chemistry Week is a themed week of events held every two years to promote a positive image of chemistry and increase the public understanding of the importance of chemical science in our everyday lives.
This year’s theme was Food. Activities were loosely organised with this theme in mind. Chemistry Ambassadors (all 52 Year 12 and 13 A level pupils) helped to promote the themes and assist with the activities organised throughout The Foundation; Mill Hill, Belmont and Grimsdell.
The week started off with themed assemblies and helium balloons being released into the MHS Chemistry department labs and corridors. Other activities that took place included exciting chromatography using smarties and rocket experiments to Year 1 and 2 pupils at Grimsdell and experimental work at Belmont involving the making of coloured slime, chromatography of black ink and more rockets! Again, our Chemistry ambassadors were on hand to assist year 5 pupils.
Mill Hill welcomed all 80 Year 8 pupils from Belmont into its Chemistry department for a noisy, smoky bangs and flashes demonstration and a chance to make a crystal garden. All visitors received a pen or key ring to mark their visit.
A variety of lectures were also organised including the Dean of UCL’s MAPS department Professor Richard Catlow ‘How atoms fit together’ and competitions took place such as the inter-House lab coat competition to mark the 175th birth anniversary of Dimiti Mendellev the creator of the iconic the Periodic Table.
Jeffrey Watson the Head of MHS Chemistry department is grateful to all the teachers and pupils who so willingly gave up their time to participate and make the week such a fun and positive learning experience.