Mill Hill School’s ECO Society has branched out on their latest ECO venture to create ‘The Gardening Club’ which has become a weekly school activity. At the back of School House in the Crick Garden we have installed three built up 1 metre (width) by 75cm (height) by 2 metre (length) beds where we are in the process of growing; strawberries, runner beans and various seasonal herbs, during this Summer term. The Gardening Club is a very popular fixture amongst the Lower and Upper school pupils with a significant number of them opting for gardening as one of their activity choices. Group leader and mentor is Hugo Watson (Atkinson, Upper Sixth) and with his great enthusiasm and knowledge about gardening, our crops will inevitably be ready for harvest in the coming months. The group meets every Saturday afternoon from 1.30pm to 2.30pm with pop-in maintenance sessions during the week.