Mill Hill s Green Fortnight ran from 9th May to the 20th May and included a wide range of projects, activities and initiatives to encourage pupils to ‘Go Green’. The main event of the fortnight was the visit by the Eco Schools assessor, Edel Riding, to judge whether Mill Hill should be awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag Status – the top award from this nationally recognised organisation and we are very proud to report that we did it!
Four Upper 6th Form pupils, Sebastian Balcombe, Emily Maister, Georgie Wickman and Joanna Mapondera deserve all the credit for our success; they wrote and submitted the Green Flag application in February and since then have guided Eco Society members through the many steps required to achieve success. Everyone pulled together to ensure that our eco credentials are strong, clear for everyone to see and, above all, sustainable. As a result of their work we have a revamped Eco code, a vibrant noticeboard and many green projects going on in the school to ensure that ‘Going Green’ is easy and fun to do.
In addition to the assessment visit, Green Fortnight saw environmental work going on in science, music and geography, pupils taking part in a debate on the merits of nuclear power, 4th Form pupils going over to Belmont and Grimsdell to support the younger children in their own Green Week activities, several pupils involving themselves in activities relating to walk to school week and a group of 4th Form boys delivering an Eco challenge lecture to Belmont pupils. Two inter-house competitions, to seek new ways to promote walking to school and to produce a sculpture out of recycled materials, also proved popular and formed the centrepiece of an Eco display in the Octagon.