fb-pixel Lecture 11th October - Mill Hill Schools


Lecture 11th October

After 40 years in Fleet Street, Chris Roycroft-Davis asks whether the media is really the noble profession it pretends to be. As Executive Editor of The Sun and Assistant Editor of the Daily Express, Chris Roycroft-Davis was described as one of Britain’s leading opinion formers. He wrote a daily column read by 10 million people, was on first name terms with five Prime Ministers and was one of David Cameron’s speech writers. He also helped start Sky Television and has broadcast widely on TV and radio. In an outspoken and provocative discussion he will give an honest insight into the mind of a journalist and ask: why does the media exist and could we do without it?

The lecture starts at 6:30pm (doors open 6:00pm), in the Patrick Troughton Theatre. All our lectures are free of charge click here to view details of the upcoming series or to book tickets through our online booking system, click here.