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Remembrance Day 2011

Remembrance Day Gate of Honour ceremony

This year’s marking of Remembrance Day started on 10th November with the presentation of the 2011 Richard Dimbleby Address by General Sir Mike Jackson. Entitled ‘General Reflections’, Sir Mike’s presentation took a broad look at the British foreign policy since the Cold War and looked forward to the challenges that face the world in the coming decades. Sir Mike ended the evening with a lively question and answer session. Speaking after the event our guest said that some of the audience questions were amongst the most difficult he has ever had to face, a tribute to the stimulating nature of his talk.

On the following day, the whole School community came together for the traditional Remembrance Day ceremony at the Gate of Honour. We were delighted, as ever, to welcome back many Old Millhillians. Following the Last Post ceremony, made special by the presence of a bugler from the Princess of Wales’ Royal Regiment, the School split in three and attended services or presentations led by the Chaplain, Dr Warden, Mr McDonough and Mr Dickinson.

In Chapel, the Foundation Choir performed for the assembled crowd and a letter from Her Majesty the Queen was read out, congratulating the School on the 100th anniversary of Cadet service at Mill Hill. The Chief Clerk to the Queen had written to say that Her Majesty is aware that the Centenary of the Cadet Force is being celebrated at the School Remembrance Service on 11th November. The words used in chapel were as follows; ‘Her Majesty has asked me to convey her warm good wishes to both the cadets and staff on this most special anniversary’. A centenary plaque was presented by the Headmaster to the Senior Cadet and this is on display in the Octagon.

The Gate of Honour ceremony was, as always, led by The Headmaster although this year, Dr Luckett also appeared as the Commanding Officer of the Mill Hill School CCF.