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Sharp Rise in A* Grades at A Level

Happy girls getting A level results

2011 has seen another excellent set of A level results with over 44% of entries being graded A* or A, the second highest figure recorded. 72% of exams were graded A* to B and there was a 100% A* to E pass rate. The number of A* grades achieved this year rose to 17%, from 13% last year.

There were some excellent individual performances to celebrate, with 28 pupils achieving 3 A grades or better. Aidar Artykbaev will be taking up his place to read Economics at LSE having recorded 5 A*s and 1 A grade. Ewan Collinge, Florian Gerwe, Louis Jadwat, Aidan Kelly, Will Magee, Kunal Walia and Jack Weller all achieved 3 A*s or better. At this early stage, this year’s most popular university destinations for Millhillians are Leeds, followed by Birmingham, Cambridge, Exeter, Imperial, Manchester and Nottingham.

See a full summary of the results here.