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Our Country’s Good

Rehearsals are now well under way for the School Play, ‘Our Country’s Good’ that will be performed in the Patrick Troughton Theatre on February 6th, 7th and 8th at 7.00pm. This play is a fascinating history of the lives of the first convicts to be taken to Australia and the awful conditions in which they found themselves for committing such crimes as stealing a loaf of bread or rustling a sheep. Tickets are £5.00 in aid of our partner Ethiopian drama group that works in Addis Ababa. You can book them by email at kw@millhill.org.uk (giving your name, pupil name, roll number and whether you want to pay by cheque or through School bill) or directly from Karen Willetts at the school’s Admissions Office (t: 020 8906 7865). Don’t miss this fascinating and moving play.

This film shows examples of work done at all levels in the Drama Department.