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Edwardian Centenary Launch Day

Friday 21st September was a very exciting day in the school calendar as all staff and pupils participated in a 1912 Day to launch Belmont’s Centenary Year. A timetable was organised for all children to take part in Edwardian style lessons dressed in outfits from the start of the 20th century. Lessons were recorded with chalk onto slate boards and pen and ink. Activities included Edwardian style Maths lessons, Handwriting, Needlework, CCF Marching, Scripture, Drawing and Croquet. Lunch was taken in silence and the choice of food was limited to bread and butter, pie and mash, cabbage and spotted dick washed down with a nice fresh glass of water. During break the children enjoyed playing with marbles, conkers, hoola hoops and skipping ropes. One family even arrived in a pony and trap. Fortunately only one boy needed to wear the dunces cap and no-one got a caning despite all teachers carrying one just in case.

Download a photo album of the days events .