We are delighted to congratulate this year’s leavers on their outstanding A level results.
Our candidates achieved 82% A*-B grades, a new School record, including 44% A* and A grades. As a consequence of these excellent results, the most popular university destinations this year are: Nottingham, Bristol, Birmingham, Bath and Leeds. (View Mill Hill’s top ten University destinations this year ).
Just a few of our successful pupils and their destinations are shown below:
“I am delighted that this impressive and talented group of young people have performed so superbly. To have secured such outstanding grades and places at Oxbridge and other leading universities is something of which they can be justifiably proud. I congratulate them all.”
Dr Dominic Luckett, Headmaster
Special congratulations go to Benedict Kearns on securing his place to read Music at King’s College Cambridge, with a Choral Award.