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Netball Weekend Girls Return Undefeated!

Under 11s

Last weekend, our U11 & U12 netball teams enjoyed a weekend trip to Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire to spend a weekend filled with marking, clearing and overhead passes. Firstly, the girls met up with Beachborough School, where they immediately got off to a successful start, with both teams notching up wins. The U12s succeeding with an impressive 15-2 win, while the U11s were put through their paces pulling through eventually with a narrow 9-8 lead. The next day the girls moved on to rural Oxfordshire, where they were greeted by Cokethorpe School. Again our girls fought hard with a fantastic victory for our U11 team of 15-4. Cokethorpe stepped up the pressure for our U12s match leading to a nail-biting 15-15 draw.

Our Girls Games department, along with the girls, would like to thank both Beachborough School and Cokethorpe School for being such fabulous hosts and making them all feel thoroughly welcome for the weekend, and the teachers would like to add that all the girls were a true delight to take away and a credit to Belmont – the successful outcome just being the icing on the cake!

For full match reports please refer to our school sports website which can be found by clicking here.

Under 12s