Just before the Easter holiday our pupils were reunited with their French exchange partners in Rouen. All the children settled in well with their new French families and their days in France were populated with visits to museums, hypermarkets and even a caramel factory.
Embracing the French lifestyle came easily to our pupils who enjoyed the laid back, cultured attitude of our neighbours, with most developing a penchant for the French cuisine they experienced with their host families.
A trip highlight had to be a visit to Disneyland on the final day which went down a storm with our pupils – they were certainly very lucky to be accompanied by such an obliging French department.
All in all, the exchange was a fabulous success as it proves to be every year. Indeed, the exchange between Belmont pupils and those from our partner school in Rouen has endured for 30 years and during this year’s stay this anniversary was marked with a special dinner event which was attended by our Head Lynn Duncan who flew over especially.
Well done to all who were involved this year and here’s to another 30 successful years!