The Remove team consisting of Sam de Leval, Hugo Mutkin, Alexandros Theodorou and Cassius Maxwell have been led by Mr Mckay since the start of the year. The team have worked incredibly hard during after School DT clubs and have also dedicated their time on Saturdays to come into School to complete their shortlisted competition entry ‘Flip Switch’. The team have beaten over 270 schools nationwide and they will now go up against two other independent schools from Essex and Newcastle.
Design Ventura is a national competition that has been running since 2010 and since then over 500 schools and 27,000 pupils have participated. The competition harnesses the many functions of the Design Museum to provide a unique and real world context for design and learning. The Design Museum, in its new Kensington home, boasts unique exhibitions, a vibrant learning environment and is an innovation hub for both students, budding designers and professionals.
Design Museum feedback:
“The judges thought Flip Switch was a thoughtful and creative response to the theme of ‘Change’ with some really well produced prototypes, clear presentation and good research into the manufacturing and materials. They particularly liked the graphic element of the backdrops and the considerations of sustainability and the reuse of the packaging”
The winners of this year’s Design Ventura Competition will be announced on the 12 December. Well done to our four talented designers and we wish them the best of luck!
Please click on this link to view their competition entry .