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Year 3 Visit St Lucia!

Year 3 had a wonderful day when we brought St. Lucia to Belmont School! Each class took part in a fantastic drama workshop which allowed the children to pack their suitcases and travel by plane to the beautiful island of St. Lucia and role-play all the interesting activities they could take part in if they really were to go there on holiday. The children thoroughly enjoyed acting out their ‘coach tour’ around the island, climbing one of the famous Piton mountains, visiting a banana plantation, going to the sulphur springs in Soufriere (a drive-in volcano) and exploring the lush rainforest with all of its amazing wildlife. The children even learned to speak some of the local language, Patwa. To finish off, the highlight for many of the children was taking part in a St. Lucian carnival, learning some Caribbean moves and a few of the children offering some groovy moves of their own!

This was a great opportunity for the children to develop their drama skills at the same time as reinforcing what they have been learning in Geography.