fb-pixel The Toffee Bear Choir Performs at The Royal Festival Hall - Mill Hill Schools


The Toffee Bear Choir Performs at The Royal Festival Hall

Grimsdell’s Toffee Bear Choir performed brilliantly at the Music For Youth Regional Festival, held at the Royal Festival Hall on Wednesday 1st March. The children brought their energy and love of singing alive by singing three of their favourite songs which were sung in three different languages – Chinese, Welsh and English! They also enjoyed watching the other schools perform. At the end of the festival, we received excellent feedback from the mentors: “A superb and very well-rehearsed programme. Your use of multiple languages is a really distinctive part of your choir. You managed to capture the unique style of the traditional songs and produced a strong, powerful and full bodied sound. Very effective and great use of dynamics. Your wonderful movement also helps to bring your performance to life! We have truly enjoyed your performance”. Well done Toffee Bear Choir!