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British Council Seal of Approval for Summer School

In the summer of 2017, we welcomed over 100 students from more than 20 different nationalities on to our Summer School programme. Our programme ran for 8 weeks from the beginning of July until the end of August. Students participated in English, Creative Arts and Maths and Science or Sports classes. They enjoyed a very diverse and fun filled evening social programme as well as two full day excursions per week.

In a bid to put our Summer School even more prominently on the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) map we underwent a full Accreditation UK inspection in week 8 of the programme. Accreditation UK is a quality assurance scheme for UK providers of courses in EFL which the British Council runs in partnership with English UK.

The scheme gives assurance of quality to international students who are taking or are planning to take an English language course in the UK. The inspection assures that all accredited centres meet or exceed the agreed quality standards in management , resources and environment, teaching, welfare and care of under 18’s.

The inspection was a fantastic success and our final inspection report can now be read here.

Thank you to all staff and students who took part in making Summer School 2017 such a success!