On Thursday 22nd February 2018 Arthur (8VR), Jacob (8JC), William (7GT) and Max (7OM) took part in Round Two of the Townsend Warner History Competition. This consisted of a gruelling TWO HOUR exam paper and required pupils to answer four extended writing questions on a range of historical subjects.
There were a range of topics that the competitors could choose from and our pupils wrote about a variety of different subjects. William wrote knowledgeably about the Charge of the Light Brigade and the Hundred Years War. Max showed off his knowledge of Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King. Arthur wrote empathetically about the experience of soldiers in the First World War and Jacob extolled the virtues of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German priest who stood up for Nazi oppression at the cost to his life.
Both Arthur and Jacob took part having had a very late night performing in the Year 8 production of ‘Amadeus’ before completing Round Two and so should be commended for their determination and stamina.
Well done and thank you to all of those who took part; they have made the History Department very proud.