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Book Week at Grimsdell

We have had a fantastic time celebrating Book Week over the past two weeks and the children have taken part in a whole range of activities.

Monday was a really exciting day. 2YM kicked off Book Week with a brilliant assembly focused on the topic of sharing which was the theme of Book Week 2018.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the opening of our Library and it is looking amazing thanks to a lot of hard work from Mrs Harvey.  We were so lucky to have the author Rob Biddulph come and open it for us and he ran some lovely story sessions. On Monday afternoon we had great fun on our Teacher Run!  Teachers and teaching assistants went on a dash around the school with books to read to each class. When the bell rang they then had to move on to a different class and they got to visit quite a few different classrooms!

The children enjoyed visiting the Library on Wednesday for our Book Swap Shop and they loved choosing a new story to take home. All money donated will go to charity. On Wednesday we were really lucky to have some Year 7 Belmont Students come and visit us. They took part in a variety of activities in different classrooms including listening to children read, reading stories to our children in small groups and reading to a whole class. Grimsdell children really loved meeting all the older students and it was lovely to see children of different ages interacting so well together.

On World Book Day even though the weather stopped us from dressing up in our costumes we had an amazing storyteller called Pid’or come and visit us and she ran some fantastic workshops telling stories linked to our topic of Ice Worlds.  These were so exciting and engaging and the children were completely fascinated and engrossed!

The children really enjoyed all the book clues last week and I am looking forward to reading all their answer sheets. Winners will be announced next week! Thank you to all our mystery readers. The children have been so excited to see who is reading each day and we have heard so many lovely stories. Classes have also enjoyed meeting up to share stories with each other.

When we eventually got to dress up for World Book Day we had the best time! We had a special assembly where the children all got to walk on a catwalk to show off their costumes! Thank you for all your hard work putting together such brilliant outfits!