We have had a very mindful Wellbeing Week at Grimsdell. We started the week with a whole school assembly on Wellbeing where we helped the children to understand what wellbeing is. We discussed the 5 Ways to Wellbeing (Connect, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Be Active and Give) and we also talked about examples of how we can improve our wellbeing.
We sent home a Wellbeing Self-Care Challenge Chart and we were delighted to hear that children have been using this with their families during this week. In their classrooms, the children have been completing some of these activities:
Mrs Moir has also been doing a mindfulness session with each class this week and the response from the children has been superb. On Friday, we also had a Digital Detox Day when we were not allowed to use computers or interactive screens! What an interesting day! Please remember to ask your child about the activities they have been doing in Wellbeing week.
The staff have also been getting involved by starting a walking club for staff at lunchtime, by joining a mindfulness staff club or by participating in the drinking water challenge, amongst other things.
Well done to everyone for your enthusiasm, kindness and energy this week! Thank you so much!