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This week in Music…


Nursery performed an excellent performance based on the book Blown Away. Nursery demonstrated the ability to internalise the beat, sequence events, understand the difference in pitch and dynamics whilst exploring our classroom instruments.


This week Reception have been discovering how to transfer their knowledge of rhythmic patterns to a melodic instrument. Further to this, we have also been learning a song in sign language (Hey Mister Miller) and as a result know how to say “My name is…” in Makaton.

Year 1

Year One have been discovering about music around the world, following a peer to peer discussion about whether they felt all people had access to music.  We looked at a variety of different countries and their traditional music facilitated by pupils’ recommendations. It was great to hear the influences of the different pupils’ own cultures coming through in their discussions.

Year 2

Pupils this week have also been learning about music around the world but with further depth. We looked at similarities and difference between the instruments and implemented our developing skills of listening with discrimination. Furthermore, we have begun to learn our songs for the end of term play, discussing in the process historical knowledge of the Kings and Queens. It was lovely to hear pupils singing some of these in their free time and researching Henry VIII at home.