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This week in Year One…

This week in Year One we began the week by reminiscing about the Royal wedding and sharing all of our wonderful memories with each other.  This led us on to talk about vows and what they are.  We learned that vows are promises that people make to each other, just like Prince Harry and Meghan did on their wedding day.  We thought it would be a great idea to create our own vows to each other and we all came up with some wonderful promises that we will try our very best to keep!  This week, we have also begun to think about what we already know about the Queen and we have learned lots of new facts about her life.  We wrote some of these in a bullet point list format.

In Maths this week, we have returned to numbers up to 100 and have found one more, one less, ten more and ten less than any two-digit number.  We have also been using dienes to help us show how many tens and ones there are in a two-digit number.