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Tamil Nadu: Day Thirteen

Unlucky for some, although this largely depending on the outcome of tonight’s match, which we are watching in Kanyakumari. The southern most tip of India protruding into the Bay of Bengal holds a sense of dilapidated scruffiness not unlike that of a rough-and-ready Grimsby. The hawkers along the hard-engineered coast provide a range of choice products, ranging from street corn to finger-lengtheners, (present spoiler alert!) of which Millhillians bought many.

The boat trip to the island hosting a shrine to a certain guru was a hair-raising affair, although luckily we didn’t need our life jackets (thankfully provided). The guru “took a sojourn” on this rocky outcrop in Kanyakumari in the late 19 century, presumably to take advantage of the view to Sri Lanka (although we were less lucky today). Shrines in Tamil Nadu provide a real taste for Indian life, and this was no exception. It is claimed that Manupan’s  footprint (still visible and complete with decorative hoola hoops!) can provide a meditative atmosphere, although I am ashamed to say that a certain member of staff’s dinosaur impression outside the shrine may have limited the efficacy of the foot’s powers.

A final shopping trip through town, accompanied by the obligatory selfies with all and sundry brought our day to a close. Current score lies at 1-0… a lucky day 13 after all!