Dedans, Railroads and Galleries are not words often associated with the game of modern lawn tennis. These in fact relate to the medieval sport of Real (court) Tennis, a game which would have been more familiar to the likes of Henry VIII than to Roger Federer. With the quirky sport enjoying a renaissance of sorts, Upper Sixth pupil Tal G (Ridgeway) and five other Millhillians were keen to give the game a try this week. Led by Real Tennis Pro Chris Bray, at Middlesex University, the boys were given a brief crash course on technique and game play as well as learning how to utilise their lawn tennis skills in the game. This eventually led to a brief doubles game between the boys who enjoyed increasingly longer rallies with several even managing to hit the grille (winning shot), very much to the coach’s surprise.
All in all the group were delighted to give the game a go and hope to carry this on as a games option into next term, with the opportunity to play other schools in the not too distance future. Due to the court space, we can accommodate three more pupils in the Wednesday Games session, so do go and speak to Mrs Ward if you are interested in signing up to this or indeed an alternative day.