We have had a fabulous first half term in Computing. We have also embraced the India theme and been linking our work to the children’s work in class.
Year 2 have been improving their mouse control, including detail in their pictures by using a range of paintbrushes and different tools available. They have taken photos on their school trip to the zoo and created a collage of their favourites, selecting carefully and learning to zoom in and centre them. They then spent a series of lessons creating a Tiger leaflet. After researching and collecting facts they inserted photos, typed the facts using correct punctuation and edited the font, size and colour. They produced some great results. What a busy few weeks!
Year 1 have also been working really hard. We have been logging on to the computers and becoming more independent inputting login codes and passwords. They have used the mouse in a drawing program to decorate an Indian elephant, taking care to use a range of paintbrushes and include different colours and patterns. They have created an elephant fact sheet, inserting photos and typing words or facts about elephants. This week we have completed a typing challenge where the children copied an extract from the text Elephant Dance improving their keyboard skills, finding letters and using the space, return and shift key.
I have also been into Reception each week, getting to know the children and using iPads in the classroom to have fun playing maths games together. Their confidence and independence have improved so much in just a few weeks.
Mrs Golden