This week the children have been getting to know some of the different teachers in the school. We were lucky enough to have some of them come in and read us their favourite story. We have also been getting to know each other’s names a little more by playing some name games such as ‘roll-the-ball’.
Lots of the children were pretending to be superheroes when role playing this week so we decided to make masks. The children created their own mask using felt tips, feathers, glitter and sequins. They had great fun deciding what their super powers would be. The children have also been colour hunting in the playground. They had to go on a hunt with their clipboards to find all the colours hidden around Nursery, brown was the trickiest to find. Today we had great fun getting green fingered and doing some gardening. The children planted winter pansies and herbs outside and sunflowers inside. What a busy week!!
Miss Davey