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Introducing our new Lower School Ambassadors for the autumn term

As a new half term begins, I am pleased to announce the new Year 5 Ambassadors for autumn term. The Ambassador initiative was a great success last year where the Ambassadors were instrumental in supporting the younger years of Lower School.

With such great interest in the positions available for the autumn term, applications were again submitted and interviews held with the Year 8 prefects, where a number of children were selected. They are as follows: Lucas Rosenblatt, Lena Parvizi, Henry Margosian, Hiroshi Fueno, Charlie Woolley, Felix Colman, Sophie Wight, Alice Hartness, Oliver Warnes, Harry Emden, Louis Silver, Sophia Derrer, Emily Tanenbaum, Abigail Coffer, Daisy North, Sadie Barker, Allison Olima, Luke Doyle, Elai Sagi and Ella Kirschner.

I wish them every success for this term in their new roles and know that they will do a fantastic job in Lower School.

Siobhan Black, Lower School Pastoral Assistant