Tiger Habitats
For the children’s ‘take a closer look’ homework over half term, the children were set a challenge to create a tiger habitat from a shoe box. So far, we have had some truly fantastic habitats being brought into school. We can see that the children have worked hard and thought about what could be found in a tiger habitat. Well done to everyone who has participated in this challenge – remember it’s not too late to send in your habitat if you have not done so already. Thank you to parents and children for their efforts and enthusiasm.
The children received another email from Cinnamon on Monday. She wrote that she would like us to bring her tiger cubs back to India. She also said she was busy getting ready for a special celebration and she left us a collection of books. From these books we have learnt that the special celebration is Diwali so we have been reading the story of ‘Rama and the Demon King’ by Jessica Souhami. The children have been developing a further understanding by ordering the different parts of the story and by making puppets of the characters. They have been using the puppets to retell the story using enthusiasm, expression and intonation with their voices.
Mrs Moir