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This week in Year 2…

Year 2 have had a busy week! After learning all about Leonardo da Vinci as a famous inventor, scientist and artist, we have turned our attention to a book ‘Fly Kite Fly’ by John Winch. We read the story which is about Leonardo and a bird catcher. We have discussed the part of the story where the boy discovers Leonardo and his Kite drawings based on the Red Kites. We learnt about Red Kites, how we can spot one, where they can be found and how we can protect them. Then we created a Red Kite fact file with all of the knowledge we had gathered about these wonderful birds.

In Science, we developed our understanding and knowledge about food chains do that we are able to describe a food chain for a red kite and use scientific terminology like producer and consumer. We made our own Red Kite food chain mobiles which we care very proud of.

After reading ‘Fly Kite Fly’ again, we discussed key moments of the story and the children worked with a partner to freeze frame these important pages of the book, ‘The Instruction’ … ‘The Failed Capture’ … ‘The Meeting’ and ‘The Friendship’.  We took pictures of the freeze frames which we then used to help us to write about the boys thoughts and feeling in a diary entry.