Thank you so much for the amazing models everyone brought in from half term, the children clearly put a lot of work into them and really enjoyed showing them to each other.
The children have been really taking ownership of their own learning this term. REK and REJ have made space stations in the role play areas. They have been busy making rocket pictures and astronauts and using the computers to label astronaut suits. RHD decided they wanted to learn about animals and have turned their home corner into a vet surgery. Miss Deamer brought her bunny rabbit Willow in for the children to look after, and Willow has been to visit each reception class in turn. A real treat I am sure you will agree.
In maths this week we have been learning about teen numbers. Recognising the numbers up to 20, placing them on a number line, ordering and beginning to think about teen numbers as 10s and 1s. We will continue with this over the next couple of weeks. You can reinforce this work at home by going on a number hunt, which numbers can you spot inside the house or outside, playing snap with number cards to 20 or playing snakes and ladders making sure you read each number you land on.
Mrs Jenner