This week in Year 1 the weather has played havoc on our planned activities but it has not affected the children’s enthusiasm for our topic ‘Shake, Rattle and Roll!’
Prior to our trip being cancelled the children wrote a list of things they needed to remember to keep them safe while visiting Didcot Railway Centre. The focus was on using connectives to join two ideas together. The day our trip was meant to happen, children took part in a Science investigation based on materials, designed an old fashioned train and then we had a go at building our own using boxes and whatever the children could find. It was harder than we thought, but persevered and had lots of fun in the process.
We wrote a recount about the day we could not go on our trip, learnt about onomatopoeia and created an onomatopoeia poem based on the story ‘The Rain Train’, which has turned out to be very fitting considering this week’s weather.
As part of Science Week children had the opportunity to go to the Mount Mill Hill International and Belmont to perform some fascinating Science activities with some of the older students.
Due to inclement weather and strong wind warnings (Yellow warning on the BBC) we have postponed the Scootability event until Wednesday 20th March.