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This week in Year 2…

Year 2 have experienced a wide range of activities during this unit of Task Time. It has been focused around ‘Manfish’ by Jennifer Berne. As usual, the children have rotated between 7 different activities. This unit included music, computing, guided reading, maths, art and two science tasks.

In Music, the children experimented with making sounds from the ocean with Mrs Wakefield. The children listened to a clip of ocean sounds with their eyes closed and focused on the way it made them feel and the different dynamics that they could hear. The children worked together to create a soundscape of the ocean, independently choosing when to play their instrument.

In Science with Miss Matsushita, we used the ‘Curiscope Virtuali-Tee’ to find out what parts of our body help us with our breathing. In the outdoor learning area with Mrs Moir, the children learnt about water safety. They talked about how we can be safe in and near water and also about currents and rip tides. The children used the water pump to help create a current of water.

For guided reading with Mrs Savva, they read together the passage ‘In the Pool’.  We looked at the use of punctuation marks and used a dictionary to find the definition of new words. The children used their comprehension skills to answer questions related to the text.

In Computing with Mrs Hurst, the children used Purple Mash to take and insert their picture into a diver ‘Mashcam’. They used the keyboard to insert text within a speech bubble, writing facts about diving and describing what they can see under the water.

Miss Mason guided the children creatively through an art task, they discussed the different layers of the ocean and how it does not appear all the same hue of blue. They created their own underwater picture by mixing different colour values and considering where the tints and shades should go. Then they added silhouettes of sea animals trying to add perspective to our picture.

Mrs Josephides taught the children how to find a right angle in her Maths task. The children had to decorate their own right angled fish and then hunt for right angles around the school. They were also introduced to the idea of acute and obtuse angles. This was a superb task time unit and the children really benefitted from a very wide variety of activities and learning challenges.