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Geography Trip to Southwold

This week, Lower Sixth Geography pupils travelled to Southwold, Suffolk to collect information using primary data collection techniques for our non-examined assessment (NEA), part of our overall A Level qualification.

Southwold is a coastal town which experiences a range of marine processes on its coastline. The beach has defences in place to prevent any further damage to the land or people. The town is experiencing a significant change in identity and function: previously a fishing town to now heavily reliant on tourism, with the majority of houses being second (holiday) homes. Southwold is increasingly becoming somewhat of a ‘ghost town’.

This allowed us to each individually form a theme/question to research in Southwold, relevant to the specification and appropriate to the town. Depending on our research topic, we either walked around town interviewing the locals, gaining a better understanding of Southwold; or went down to the beach to observe the types of defences and how effective they were. Collecting information which we will eventually use and interpret in our final write-up.

Overall, we had a lovely time with great weather. Thank you to Ms Booth, Mr Normington, Ms Bull and Ms Winkler who all worked extremely hard to make this happen and provide such an enriching experience.

Ollie Hart
Lower Sixth