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Group B: Blog Four

After another challenging wake up of 6:30am our group got ready for the day and headed to Joseph Linda Centre School for around 7:30am for some breakfast and much needed tea. After we headed down to the playing field littered with glass shards, amongst us were hundreds of school kids following us and holding our hands. We then divided into our school teams which we began training yesterday, my group focused on the kids understanding the offside rule and recapping what we did yesterday whilst also playing stuck in the mud and bulldog to reenforce skills such as listening to the whistle, grabbing the tag belts and staying within the pitch.

After both sessions with years 4 and 5, we headed back to the Jospeh Linda centre school for some lunch (nicest sandwich of my life). After we did some community service, which consisted of gardening, coaching and playing tag rugby and painting school classrooms (which I did yesterday) to create a better learning environment. I was chosen to teach maths and English with a side of the Macarena dance which erupted into a full 20 minute dance circle with all the students. Following this, we headed back to Eureka rest camp where we have been staying and ate dinner whilst watching the sunset upon the magical landscape. Also announced was the “div of the day”- given to someone who makes a particular idiotic comment or remark in the day, today it was crowned to Lara N (Burton Bank) for thinking that the bible was written in Mill Hill School.

After this, we all relaxed at the bar where we hung out until it was time to sleep. This is where Daisy M (School) showed the extent of her skilfulness at pool when she hit and broke a light above the pool table with the cue. A true master at the game.

– Samuel B (McClure)