Reception Autumn term Forest School
In Reception, we have had an exciting time in Forest School this term. We have enjoyed going on an Autumn walk and thinking about the changing seasons. We collected some conkers and acorns and discussed the importance of seed dispersal. The children found big muddy puddles and giggled with excitement as they stomped in them causing lots of splashing! When we discovered the Choo Choo people living in Forest School we wanted to help them by designing some clay faces on the trees to act as the Guardians of the forest.
Around fireworks night, the children enjoyed making sparklers out of sticks and ribbons. The children were able to wave their sparklers around, and a real sparkler was then lit for them to look at. The children found this very exciting!
Leaf mobiles, made with sparkly pipe cleaners, sticks, and leaves, were made as Christmas decorations which the children proudly took home. In the final session, we lit a fire and cooked some popcorn. In keeping with the Christmas theme, we added cinnamon and sugar to cover the popcorn once it was ready and the children all had a taste. They loved it! Yummy!
Year 1 Autumn Term Forest School
The children have settled well back into the rules and routines of Forest School. They have been given the opportunity to follow their own interests and these ideas have been used to plan the upcoming sessions of Forest School. They have chosen to whittle magic wands and bows and arrows as well as, build dens, create mini fairy gardens and create Autumn mobiles using natural materials. In the last session before the Christmas holidays, the children made beautiful Christmas decorations and were treated to French toast cooked over the fire. The children reflected on their best memories of Forest School this term-
Max G- ‘We can play in the muddy slope with my friends.’
Leah- ‘I like that I get to make an elf hat.’
Anastasios- ‘I had fun eating the food- Eggy bread.’
Lucian- ‘I liked getting the silver bark.’
Ivanka- ‘I like playing ‘123 Where are you?’’
Jake- ‘I like when we slide down the muddy slope.’
Year 2 Autumn Term Forest School
Year 2 have had an incredible term in forest school. Our stunning start to our topic led us to forest school where we were led by a trail of feathers to find a nest. Inside the nest were painted eggs, Russian dolls, more feathers, a book called Masha and the Firebird and another note. This one asked us to become fire experts so Ms Moir started teaching us how to make a fire. We learnt that we could start building a fire by first making a ‘waffle’ with sticks that are the same size and thickness. We all tried making our own ‘waffle’ and then Ms Moir lit a fire using a flint and steel.
The following weeks, we practised making waffles, lighting fires and toasting marshmallows. The Firebird also left us eggs of ice and so we brought science into the woods by learning about how different materials changing states from liquid, solid to gas. We also observed how heat changes a corn kernel into popcorn. We learnt about the fire triangle and that a fire needs oxygen, fuel and heat to stay alight. While we were learning about The Great Fire of London, we made bread over a fire, pretending we were Thomas Farriner in his bakery only we made sure we put the fire out completely!
We always end every session with a mindful moment where we might doing some slow breathing, thinking about what we are grateful for or even mindful listening.