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Success Outside School

Well done to all our Success Outside of School entrants this week. Keep up the great work!

  • Alexander (7AW) scored the first goal and was awarded Spirit of the Match last Sunday playing for Haringey Hounds U13 junior ice hockey team against Invicta Gillingham at Alexandra Palace.
  • Serafina (4LG) got a second place at tennis tournament girls U9 , Sunday the 19th Jan at Jamie Tennis Gosling Center, Hertfordshire.
  • Harry (6KA) Sunday football team was selected to play at a tournament at Tottenham Hotspur last week. Arranged as an opportunity for their scouts to look at all the boys. It was a great experience for the boys, and they won 2 out of their 3 games.
  • Poppy (4SP) received her first stripe for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu last weekend.
  • Sasha (3AD) is part of the children’s ensemble in this production of Tom Sawyer during February Half Term, starring alongside her dad.