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This week in Year 1…

This week in Year 1 we are again on the quest to complete our Wild Challenges, this fortnight we aim to become ‘Creature Carers’ and the focus has been on hedgehogs and what we can do to help preserve their numbers in the UK. As it is Children’s Mental Health week the PSHE focus was on ‘finding our brave’, where we talked about what can hold us back when it comes to being brave and what strategies and who can help us to be brave. On Tuesday had the opportunity to take part in an E-safety workshop. An interactive and informative assembly where we met the characters Philip and Millie and navigated our way through the levels of being safe online. In science, we identified and classified nocturnal and diurnal animals and learnt about what migration is and had a closer look at a swallow’s migration. In maths we compared length, height, and mass, using pan balances and then applied this to number values.