This week in Year 1 we have giving making paper, our ’10 out of 10 best effort’! First, we learnt about the importance of recycling paper and what is involved in paper’s initial production. We then learned about how to make our own paper from recycling some of our classes ‘scrap’ paper. We wrote instructions to follow for our papermaking and then through a bit of trial-and-error made our very own multi-purpose paper, complete with flowering plant seeds embedded into it. Once we have used our paper it can be planted and will hopefully grow flowers that are also bee-friendly. Later in the week, we used the facts about woodland animals we learnt from our homework to plan and create a woodland animal poster. On Friday we produced a picture of the animal to use in our poster with the option of choosing our own medium to work with.
In maths, we did some investigating of speed using comparative language and then went on to sequence the days of the week, months and seasons of the year. In Science we continued our focus at animals, this time classifying a large sample of animals in a multitude of ways, such as dietary, nocturnal/ diurnal, physical features, and geographical location.